What’s the machine warranty period?

One year Standard. Additional warranty can be bought during an initial purchase or during any time in active warranty period. We provide free software upgrade services for our customers lifelong.

Do you have customer service?

Our friendly and knowledgeable service engineers are available to answer your questions 24/7/365.

How much air capacity is necessary?

It depends on the material throughput required and also the material defect level. Please visit our optical sorting machine list to find your specific capacity needs and review the brochure for specifications.

How do I see the product performance?

We are confident in the high performance of our Nova Sorters, and are ready to demonstrate it to you. We offer at no charge material testing up to 20kgs to our prospective customers as well as existing customers.

Please contact us or directly fill out a Nova Test request form to arrange for a sample to be tested.

Does the Nova Sorter require a full time operator?

Nova sorting machine is extremely user friendly and does not require a full time operator.  The machine is extremely stable and reliable and can run for extended periods of time.

How can I learn to operate Nova Sorters?

NOVA COLOR SORTERS offers both onsite training and also training at our manufacturing facility. Our Service engineers would be glad to support over phone 24/7/365.

If there is a service issue with my Nova Color sorter, what do I do?

Just contact us! The Nova optical sorters are extremely reliable and it is very rare to actually need a technician to visit your site for repairs. We have a well trained staff of qualified technicians available for commissioning and training, scheduled preventive maintenance visits, and repairs if required.

We would love to hear from you! Please send us your requirement.